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I study evolutionary processes and species diversity mainly through mathematical modeling.

Tropical Leaves


My book 'How do new species arise? - In search of the origins of biodiversity' (written in Japanese) has been published by Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd.


Gave a talk 'The phoenix hypothesis of speciation: reproductive isolation among populations experiencing extinction risk' at a symposium 'Genomics of adaptation and speciation' at The 3rd AsiaEvo conference (Singapore).


Published online: modelling phenotypic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 

Title: Isolation may select for earlier and higher peak viral load but shorter duration in SARS-CoV-2 evolution

Sunagawa et al. 2023. Nature Communications


Published online: a model on the evolution of persistent infection of RNA viruses

Title: Contact-number-driven virus evolution: A multi-level modeling framework for the evolution of acute or persistent RNA virus infection. 

Sunagawa et al. 2023. PLOS Computational Biology


Organized a session, 'Integration over space and time' as a Discussion leader at Integration Of Speciation Research (IOS) Workshop (Tvärminne, Finland).


Published online: a theory that investigated the possibility of habitat segregation and coexistence of closely related species

Title: Males and females contribute differently to the evolution of habitat segregation driven by hybridization

Daisuke Kyogoku and Ryo Yamaguchi. 2023. Journal of Evolutionary Biology


Organized a session, 'Macroevolutionary patterns of diversification and implications for species persistence' as a Discussion leader at Gordon Research Seminar (Speciation 2023, Lucca, Italy). Also, presented a poster at the subsequent Gordon Research Conference.


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